How does an API company source raw materials during early development stages? Where do the raw materials come from and how do we ensure our suppliers are reliable? It is all in a day’s work for Sharon Millrod, Senior Director, Head of Teva api Category Management, R&D Sourcing & Biologics and his global procurement R&D
Category: Products
The World of the API Podcast: Respiratory APIs
Check out our latest podcast, Respiratory APIs: a peek into the lab with our experts, where we deep-dive into the challenges of respiratory APIs. We join Dr Ales Gavenda, Director of R&D in Czech Republic and Italy, and Oshrat Frankel, our Head of New Technologies, Innovation and Pre-formulation, for a guided tour. Or find us
The India Situation Room – Managing it all during COVID
As the pandemic broke out globally, emergency response teams sprung up everywhere — and Teva api was no different.
Teva api at DCAT 2019 – Looking forward to meet with our partners and introduce our executives as part of our journey together
In our view DCAT Week is the key event for companies engaged in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. As always, the event will take place in New York, from March 18 -21, 2019. Here you get a golden opportunity to meet Teva api ‘s team, expand your network, connect with Teva api ‘s leading decision makers
CPhI Worldwide 2019
Start getting ready for 2020 with Teva api at CPhI Worldwide It’s almost that time again – time to visit CPhI Worldwide and head to the Teva api booth for news on all the latest pipeline products, plus outstanding expert insights, advanced new services, and maybe even a tasty, refreshing shake. We’re looking forward to